Sentinel Billy Ray Hatten Jr

Companion Billy Ray Hatten Jr. was born 22 July 1991 in Tallahassee Florida to Billy Hatten Sr. and Yolanda Hatten. Companion Hatten attended Madison County High School and was a three-sport athlete. After graduation he enlisted in the United States Army as a Light Wheel Mechanic (91B) and later switched his occupation to Stryker Systems Maintainer (91S). After his military service he continued to serve the government for five more years as a mail handler technician and senior shop steward for the El Paso P&DC (USPS). He currently works as a senior technical advisor. Companion Hatten is married to Monica Hatten and have five children. 

Companion Hatten was raised to the sublime degree of a master mason on 26 September 2013 at Pride of The West lodge #53 in El Paso Texas.